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How Geraghty's Micro Farm All Started

Writer's picture: gmicrofarmgmicrofarm

From city living, to starting a homestead from scratch.

We are Josh & Dayna Geraghty. First generation farmers. We realized our food deserved better. With zero experience we sold our townhouse and bought property to try and raise our own food. Little did we know what path this would take us on.

Josh and I met at a local CrossFit gym in 2014. We were both extremely invested in our health. Our free time was filled with training for CrossFit/weightlifting competitions, weekend hikes, day long bike rides and anything else we could think of to push ourselves physically.

After a few years of dating and now newly engaged, we both realized we longed for more. We wanted to take another step further in taking our health into our own hands. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, but we started looking for a piece of property to hopefully start the process of growing our own food. We had spent years watching homesteading vlogs together and felt really drawn to that lifestyle.

From traveling across the country to various competitions, to growing our own food & starting our family.

Starting From Scratch.

We stumbled upon a property that we instantly fell in love with. A blank slate if you will. All that sat on it was a brick rancher, a little bit of acreage with 360 degrees of open pasture & gorgeous mountain views.

We wasted zero time jumping into the homesteading life. Our families may have thought we had

gone crazy (heck they probably still do some days). We purchased our first chickens, cows, goats, tried....and failed to grow a garden. We experienced many failures. We battled frustrations with such a steep learning curve, the long days that accompanied it & trying to decide which direction was best for us.

Originally we thought we'd just share the process with friends and family on social media. It was shocking that we started receiving messages on how to purchase what we were growing. Starting a business was something that never crossed our minds... in all honesty.

Josh and I are extremely similar in our outlooks on things we do in life. It's all or nothing. It's a trait I've adored about him since we met. No idea I have ever thought of was too crazy or too bold; same for all the ideas he brings.

Growing over the years.

Neither one of us had experience in owning a business. "Normal" people plan their weekends around relaxation or catching up with friends/family. We spent every spare second brainstorming. If this was going to happen, we wanted to do it right. How would be possibly start something like this when we had no idea what we were doing?

Sleepless nights, hours of research, finding mentors & learning the hard way led us to today. From failing miserably to grow a single vegetable in our garden to providing 24 local families a CSA Share 20 weeks out of the year. To never owning livestock to raising a large flock of laying hens, meat chickens, beef cattle, & KuneKune pigs. To this year holding workshops on the farm to help you learn to homestead yourself. Don't let a lack of experience hold you back. I promise you are capable of more than you could ever imagine. All it takes is hard work, determination & the grit to continue on the hardest of days. We believe you can do it & want to help you succeed in whatever way we can.

One of the craziest ideas I had one evening doing chores was converting our two car garage into an on farm market. With not wanting to take out huge loans to get started we needed to be frugal, yet make things aesthetically pleasing. In 7 short weeks we opened Geraghty's Market.

One and a half years later we continue to open our Market every Sunday of the year. We are continually thinking of ways to expand Geraghty's Micro Farm. Follow us Facebook, Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter to see what crazy ideas we come up with next.

Josh, Dayna & Hadley Geraghty

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